Horses with bad temperaments

Published on 2023-12-04

A look back at a groundbreaking study exploring the correlation between chronic back pain in horses and their aggressive behavior towards humans. Researchers examined 59 horses from equestrian centers, using behavioral assessments and extensive spinal examinations. The results reveal a striking relationship between the severity of spinal damage and the expression of aggressive behaviour.

The study, conducted in two distinct phases, assessed the horses' aggressive behavior via five behavioral tests, and then performed a spinal examination by an experienced chiropractor. The results of both assessments were cross-referenced to determine the correlation between back pain and aggression.

Behavioral observations revealed that 71% of the horses exhibited threatening behaviors toward the experimenters, while only 15% showed positive reactions. Vertebral examination indicated that 73% of horses were severely affected, with at least two vertebrae involved. Only 15% were considered unaffected, and 12% had mild involvement.

Comparison of vertebral and behavioral data revealed a significant correlation. Over 75% of the severely affected horses showed aggressive behavior, while half of the unaffected or mildly affected horses displayed positive attitudes.

The results suggest that vertebral problems, indicative of chronic back pain, are closely linked to aggression in horses towards humans. This experimental study highlights the importance of considering chronic discomfort and pain as major factors in understanding aggressive behavior in horses. It also provides a crucial perspective for raising awareness of the complex relationship between discomfort, chronic pain and aggressive displays, helping to transform the often stigmatizing perception of horses as "bad-tempered".

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