Phyto series: Focus on Ginkgo Biloba

Published on 2018-12-22

Gingko biloba is also known as the Hundred Crone Tree, because its leaves are golden in autumn.

It is also known as the tree of centenarians. The only surviving member of its order (gingkoales), this tree is remarkably long-lived (4,000 years). This tree is surprisingly resistant to all kinds of aggression (cold, drought, bacteria, viruses and even "atomic bombs").

The parts used are the leaves.

The main constituents are flavonoids (quercetol, kaempferol) and terpenoids (ginkgolides and bilobalides).

Gingkolides are inhibitors of the intracellular mediator involved in platelet aggregation, thrombus formation, inflammatory and allergic phenomena.

It combats peripheral arterial insufficiency in chronic cerebral insufficiency.

It protects motor neurons from possible neurological damage.

It also improves cognitive function and inhibits senility.

These flavonoids make it an excellent antioxidant.

In concrete terms, for which pathologies is it of interest to our horses?

For older horses whose cognitive functions decline, by promoting blood circulation.

For horses suffering from cushing's disease, thanks to its antioxidant properties (free radical scavenger). To be used in conjunction with a treatment that addresses the real problem (lack of dopamine).

But also for horses suffering from seasonal depression.

"Source :

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